Hi there! We’re your new favorite book club. 

At the beginning of each month, Nikita chooses a book from her shelf and announces it on Instagram @nikitasbookshelf. We read our pick of the month at our own pace, and towards the middle/end of the month, Nikita interviews the author over IG Live — your chance to interact with your favorite authors.

In 2023, we had the pleasure to host: Lisa Jewell, Alka Joshi, Laura Dave, Dervla McTiernan, Isaac Fitzgerald, Mira Jacob  and Nancy Jooyoun Kim.

We don’t discriminate, so you’ll discover a diverse range of genres, including thrillers, literary fiction, memoirs, contemporary novels, poetry collections and a multitude of other options. We do place a special emphasis on women-centric stories authored by women, as it is our mission to empower and uplift women.


What started as a book club in August 2020, has evolved into an incredibly valuable resource for both readers and aspiring authors. Our monthly IG Live interviews feature bestselling authors from around the world and go beyond the books’ narrative and characters — by also delving into the intricacies of the writing process and the authors’ lives in the literary world. 

This is your golden opportunity to engage with your favorite authors in real-time and have all your burning questions answered. In case you miss a meeting, we save the full videos, which you can watch later @singh_nikita.


Lots of free books and stationary up for grabs! Keep an eye out for our giveaway posts on Instagram.


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